PRLog (Press Release) – Apr 14, 2011 – Conventional solutions for Automatic Code Generation in MATLAB® and Simulink® are based solely on MathWorks' Real-Time Workshop®. B&R also offers the possibility of generating even more efficient and easier to read source code based on the Real-Time Worksho helicop ter technology p® Embedded Coder™. Source code generated in this manner requires less of the available processing power and memory, creating the perfect conditions for efficient high-performance algorithms on the target system.
Ideal readability ensures maximum safety: Furthermore, the automatically generated source code is clearly structured and automatically documented. This makes it ideal for use in critical applications with validation or certification requirements. "Rea Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi l-Time Workshop® Embedded Coder™ has TÜV Süd certification and meets the IEC guidelines relevant to model-based design," states Tom Erkkinen, Embedded Applications Manager at MathWorks.
Throug trash bins h their support of all Automatic Code Generation options in Automation Studio Target for Simulink®, B&R provides users maximum flexibility when choosing their development tools.
B&R company profile B&R is the world's largest and most successful private company in the area of automation equipment manufacturing, including motion control ( motto "Perfection in Automation" has provided the foundation for the company since B&R was founded in 1979. Today, B&R employs 2,300 employees worldwide and has an exceptional global presence with more than 162 sales offices in over 68 countries.
B&R Industrial Automation, Inc. North America, based in Atlanta, GA, has been working closely with their customers since 1987. Since then, B&R Nor garbage compactor review th America has continuously grown as a sales and support organization through both direct sales offices and B&R's unique Automation Partner distribution network. Today, B&R North America has a network of more than 20 offices throughout the USA and Canada and is there for its customers locally.
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