PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 29, 2011 – The newly published Kenya Power Report from BMI forecasts that the country's power consumption will increase from an estimated 6.4TWh in 2010 to 11.6TWh by the end of the forecast period in 2015, assuming 6.2% average annual growth. After power industry usage and system losses, we see surplus supply rising from the theoretical 0.7TWh level seen in 2010 to 3.5TWh by 2020, assuming 7.9% average annual growth in power generation during the period.
Kenya's power generation in 2010 is put by BMI at 7.1TWh, having risen 2.4% from the 2009 level. BMI is forecasting an average 8.5% annual increase to 10.6TWh between 2011 and 2015. Thermal generation, comprising coal, gas and oil, is expected to grow by 6.4% per annum during the period to 2015, but growth looks set to accelerate later in the decade.
Daewoo is to build and operate a US$1.3bn coal-fired power plant in Kenya with two turbines, each of 300MW. The upgrade is expected to increase output from 40MW to 72MW. Coal-fired generation will account for 31.3% of the country's total generation by 2015, firing a projected 3.3TWh. By 2020, coal's share of generation is forecast at 34.4%, representing 5.2TWh. Kenya plans to spend US$1.4bn in the next two to three years on new geothermal power plants with a total installed generation capacity of 280MW.
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Kenya and Tanzania plan to set up a joint natural gas processing plant in Mombasa. The plant will process gas deposits from Tanzania and provide a potential source of gas supply for Kenya, which could find a long-term use in power generation as well as piped supply. The African Development Bank will finance studies for construction of the Dar es Salaam-Tanga-Mombasa natural gas pipeline. Kenya's estimated 2.6TWh of hydro generation in 2010 is forecast to reach 4.0TWh by 2015, rising further to 4.3TWh by 2020, equating to 28.7% of total generation. In January 2010, KenGen signed a contract for an upgrade of the Kindaruma hydro-power station.
Kenya shares sixth place with Nigeria in BMI's updated Power Business Environment Ratings. Its position is vulnerable given the modest size of the market. Growth prospects are good and the proportion of renewables is the highest in the region. However, import dependency is also high and the power sector is not particularly competitive, with limited progress towards privatisation.
Report Table of Contents:
SWOT Analysis - Kenya Power SWOT Global Industry Overview - Table: Total Generation Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) Regional Overview - Table: Total Generation Data, 2007-2015 - Table: Total Consumption Data, 2007-2015 - Table: Electrcity Generation Capacity Data, 2007-2015 Market Overview - Regulation And Competition - Power Transmission Business Environment - Middle East And Africa Power Business Environment Ratings - Table: Regional Power Business Environment Ratings - Kenya's Power Rating Industry Forecast Scenario - Table: Kenya Total Generation Data And Forecasts, Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Generation Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Trade Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Trade Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Consumption Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Consumption by Energy Sector Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Consumption by Energy Sector Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) - Table: Kenya Electricity Generating Capaci helicop ter technology ty Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (MW) - Kenya's Power Outlook - Generation - Gas-Fired - Oil-Fire garbage compactor review d - Coal-Fired - Nuclear Energy - Hydro-Electric trash bins - Renewable Energy - Transmission - Key Risks To BMI's Forecast Scenario Competitive Landscape Glossary Of Terms - Glossary Of Terms BMI Methodology - How We Generate Our Industry Forecasts - Power Industry - Cross Checks - Sources
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