Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

New Market Research Report: Kenya Power Report Q3 2011

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 29, 2011 – The newly published Kenya Power Report from BMI forecasts that the country's power consumption will increase from an estimated 6.4TWh in 2010 to 11.6TWh by the end of the forecast period in 2015, assuming 6.2% average annual growth. After power industry usage and system losses, we see surplus supply rising from the theoretical 0.7TWh level seen in 2010 to 3.5TWh by 2020, assuming 7.9% average annual growth in power generation during the period.

Kenya's power generation in 2010 is put by BMI at 7.1TWh, having risen 2.4% from the 2009 level. BMI is forecasting an average 8.5% annual increase to 10.6TWh between 2011 and 2015. Thermal generation, comprising coal, gas and oil, is expected to grow by 6.4% per annum during the period to 2015, but growth looks set to accelerate later in the decade.

Daewoo is to build and operate a US$1.3bn coal-fired power plant in Kenya with two turbines, each of 300MW. The upgrade is expected to increase output from 40MW to 72MW. Coal-fired generation will account for 31.3% of the country's total generation by 2015, firing a projected 3.3TWh. By 2020, coal's share of generation is forecast at 34.4%, representing 5.2TWh. Kenya plans to spend US$1.4bn in the next two to three years on new geothermal power plants with a total installed generation capacity of 280MW.

---------------------------------------------------- --------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/209750_kenya_power_report_q3_ ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Kenya and Tanzania plan to set up a joint natural gas processing plant in Mombasa. The plant will process gas deposits from Tanzania and provide a potential source of gas supply for Kenya, which could find a long-term use in power generation as well as piped supply. The African Development Bank will finance studies for construction of the Dar es Salaam-Tanga-Mombasa natural gas pipeline. Kenya's estimated 2.6TWh of hydro generation in 2010 is forecast to reach 4.0TWh by 2015, rising further to 4.3TWh by 2020, equating to 28.7% of total generation. In January 2010, KenGen signed a contract for an upgrade of the Kindaruma hydro-power station.

Kenya shares sixth place with Nigeria in BMI's updated Power Business Environment Ratings. Its position is vulnerable given the modest size of the market. Growth prospects are good and the proportion of renewables is the highest in the region. However, import dependency is also high and the power sector is not particularly competitive, with limited progress towards privatisation.

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - Kenya Power SWOT Global Industry Overview - Table: Total Generation Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) Regional Overview - Table: Total Generation Data, 2007-2015 - Table: Total Consumption Data, 2007-2015 - Table: Electrcity Generation Capacity Data, 2007-2015 Market Overview - Regulation And Competition - Power Transmission Business Environment - Middle East And Africa Power Business Environment Ratings - Table: Regional Power Business Environment Ratings - Kenya's Power Rating Industry Forecast Scenario - Table: Kenya Total Generation Data And Forecasts, Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Generation Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Trade Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Trade Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Total Consumption Long-Term Forecasts, 20012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Consumption by Energy Sector Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Consumption by Energy Sector Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Kenya Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) - Table: Kenya Electricity Generating Capaci helicop ter technology ty Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (MW) - Kenya's Power Outlook - Generation - Gas-Fired - Oil-Fire garbage compactor review d - Coal-Fired - Nuclear Energy - Hydro-Electric trash bins - Renewable Energy - Transmission - Key Risks To BMI's Forecast Scenario Competitive Landscape Glossary Of Terms - Glossary Of Terms BMI Methodology - How We Generate Our Industry Forecasts - Power Industry - Cross Checks - Sources

About Business Monitor International

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

SGS Article on In-Service Inspections for Wind Farm Projects Featured in InWind Chronicle

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 29, 2011 – The April-May 2011 issue of the InWind Chronicle magazine, a leading wind-energy publication, features an SGS article entitled the "Importance of In-Service Inspections for Wind Farm Projects," written by Olaf Robenek and Nils Dreischerf, Wind Turbine Inspectors at SGS Industrial Services. The article explains the significance of regular In-Service Inspections conducted by a reliable third-party company, to minimize the risks of costly downtime and repair periods and to ensure successful functioning of a wind farm.

In the article, Olaf Robenek and Nils Dreischerf explore the necessity o trash bins f regular In-Service Inspections (http://www.sgs.com/in-service-inspection.htm?catId=10141 ...) for wind farm projects conducted by a reliable third-party company. In-Service Inspections are the most effective way to guarantee the successful performance of a wind farm, because they can detect the imminent failure of critical components at an early stage, thus minimizing the risk of costly repair periods. With regular In-Service Inspections, the downtime of a wind turbine can be considerably reduced, which in turn facilitates the profitable operation of a wind farm with sustainable operational costs and the anticipated return on investment.

The necessity of In-Service Inspections should not be underestimated with an increasing number of installed wind turbines and the potential for major failure of critical components. Nevertheless, In-Service inspections only represent a value-added service to the customer when they are conducted by a reliable third-party company.

In-Service Inspections, including Vibration Measurement of the Drive Train, Thermographic Inspection and Oil Analysis, Endoscope Inspection, Blade Inspe Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi ction, Rotor Imbalance, Blade Pitch, Angle Measurement and Rope Access, involve a series of activities in which the various components of a wind turbine are regularly inspected and monitored throughout its entire operational lifetime. Using a range of diverse inspection methods and analyses ensures that any unexpected degradation from normal conditions is detected at the earliest stage, in order to prevent consequential damage to the wind turbine.

SGS (http://www.sgs.com/_industrial?lobId=5550), the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, is well-positioned to provide a comprehensive portfolio of In-Service Inspections for wind farm projects on a regular basis. Having an international presence with more than 64,000 employees and over 1,250 laboratories in 140 countries, SGS is familiar with the local environment, circumstances, languages, laws and regulations.

To learn more about this topic, you can download and read the complete InWind Chronicle article – Importance of In-Service Inspections for Wind Farm Projects (http://www.sgs.com/sgsdocuments/importance-of-in-service ...).

About SGS Industrial Services

Industrial Services is one of the major business lines of the SGS Group, a global service provider for technical verification, inspection, testing and conformity assessment. SGS Industrial Services ensures that the customer's installations, material, equipment, facilities and projects meet all quality and performance requirements, whether they are regulatory, voluntary or customer based. Industrial Services has decades' worth of experience and some remarkable references in serving key industries, such as Construction, Industrial Manufacturing & Trade, the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry, Power Generation and Transmission, Banks and Financial Institutions, as well as Renewable Energy.

For further information, please contact:

SGS Industrial Services

Olaf Robenek Senior Wind Turbine Inspector

Nils Dreischerf Wind Turbine Inspector

SGS Germany GmbH Global Renewable Support Office Raboisen 28 20095 garbage compacto manual trash compactor r review Hamburg Germany

t: +49 40 30101 562 / 565 f: +49 89 12 504 068 565 Email: industrial.pr@sgs.com Web: www.sgs.com/industrial

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Quality Glass Block & Windows Helps Building-Owners Brace for Hurricane Season

PRLog (Press Release) helicop ter technology – Jul 28, 2011 – MORRIS, ILL. – Hurricane season is closing in, and Quality Glass Block & Window Co. is helping building-owners prepare with glass blocks designed t Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi o withstand the impact of violent storms. The blocks, by Pittsburgh Corning, provide significant defense against heavy winds and objects tossed by the force of seasonal hurricanes.

"The integrity of your building relies in large part on the ability of your windows to endure intense pressure from the outside, and that's manual trash compactor especially true for buildings within hurricane zones," said Ray Tuminello, president of Quality Glass Block & Window Co. "We provide the highest quality glass block windows that can prevent devastation to your building while keeping occupants safe."

Pittsburgh Corning glass blocks are built to be sturdy in tough situations and are capable of withstanding the brute force of a hurricane. The hurricane-resistant glass block windows pass the "large missile impact" test established by the Building Code and Dade County Approval Protocols. The glass block windows are made for easy installation.

The hurricane-resistant glass block windows are pre-assembled and are available 60 sizes and three patterns. Windows come with treated 2x6 wood frames that ensure durability.

Quality Glass Block & Windows specializes in high-quality products, including glass blocks, shower systems, vents and more. The glass block windows are made to provide for a luxurious, well-lit atmosphere while offering a high level of privacy.

"Rest assured that when the debris starts to fly, you have windows that can protect your building and the people inside," Tuminello said. "With hurricane-resistant glass block windows, we provide you with peace of mind when the weather trash bins takes a severe turn."

About Quality Glass Block & Window Co. Quality Glass Block & Window Co.(http://www.qualityglassblock.com/) is a leading provider of glass blocks used for windows, shower systems and vents. In addition to wholesale glass blocks, Quality Glass Block & Window provides installation services or guidance for do-it-yourself builders and homeowners.

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Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Dillon Gage to Open Larger Precious Metals Refinery in Dallas

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 27, 2011 – This summer, Dillon Gage Metals will move to a brand new precious metals refinery in Dallas that's bigger and more state of the art, with the same excellent service provided by its existing refinery there and a few more options for customers.

"Our new refinery has a convenient layout for clients who are bringing in materials and need other assistance," says Terry Hanlon, President of Dillon Gage Metals. "To meet brisk demand, the new facility is three times larger than our previous refinery."

"We're expanding to meet the needs of precious metals dealers, jewelry makers and those in the business of buying and selling items containing precious metals," Hanlon said. "We can process anything from karat gold, platinum, palladium and silver to jewelers' bench sweeps and filings."

Hanlon noted security at the new facility meets the hig manual trash compactor hest possible standards and includes multiple backup systems. "Our facility, security s trash bins ystems and processes are the most up to date in the industry," he said. "We want to ensure that our customers' needs are met in every possible way."

Dillon Gage has been in the precious metals business for 35 years and has been refining for over 15 years.

Jewelry, metal scraps, tea sets and heirlooms can be separated into precious and less precious materials more efficiently at the new refinery. Items are melted and assayed – or measured – and then refined.

"In this new facility, we will be able to more efficiently remove diamonds from gold and platinum settings using a proprietary scientific process that chemically dissolves the metal leaving the stones unharmed," says Robert Truhe, general manager of Dillon Gage Group's refinery in Dallas. Dillon Gage has the ability to remove even the smallest melee diamonds from jewelry. They can return the stones to their customers to be reset in newer jewelry, or the company can buy those stones.  

One advantage of Dillon Gage's new Dallas refinery is that "customers can turn in scrap and receive gold, silver or platinum coins and bars as payment," Truhe says. As one of the major market makers in precious metals, Dillon Gage has immediate access to supplies of metal that can be shipped to clients soon after the settlement of their refining lots.

Processes used by Dillon Gage to refine precious metals are similar to those used by alchemists a thousand years ago, but these are the "gold standard" procedures used by the largest refiners worldwide. They have capabilities of performing various types of assays.  These range from the time- honored fire assay, to XRF, and others.  The decision as to which process to use depends upon the metal content of the scrap lot and the owner's preference.  The company has strengthened their environmental policies and procedures to be even more environmentally sound, however.  Nothing leaves the facility without first being neutralized.  

The metal is melted to determine its value, then purified. In the process, each lot of metal is separated into groups of gold, platinum or silver, and then weighed and tagged. At the customers' request, jewelry with diamonds is processed separately, and the diamonds are recovered so that they can be purchased or returned to the customer.

Prices paid by Dillon Gage to customers for gold, silver and platinum are based on actively traded contract months in the New York and London futures markets, where values change instantaneously.  Dillon Gage customers can choose which of these two markets they want to price their metal on.  Customers also have the flexibility to settle their lots by receiving payment by check, wire, trading for bullion coins or bars, utilizing pool accounts or purchasing finished jewelry products.

The new refinery is located at 11231 Gemini Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229, and situated less than a mile from the company's existing refinery. Both facilities are conveniently located near major Highways 635 and 35.

For more information on Dillon Gage Metals Refinery visit www.dillongage.com or call 888-436-3489.  For more information on Dillon Gage Metals, visit www.dillongage.com or cal helicop ter technology l 800-375-4653. Follow Dillon Gage on Twitter @DillonGage and Facebook at www.facebook.com/dillongage.

About Dillon Gage Dillon Gage (www.DillonGage.com) was founded in 1976, and its companies include: •   Dillon Gage Securities, Inc., a full-service NASD member firm that specializes in financial planning. 800-375-4243 •   Dillon Gage Metals, one of Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi the largest precious metals dealers in the U.S. 800-375-4653 •   Dillon Gage Inc., a firm dealing in futures markets. 800-375-4243 •   Diamond State Depository, a wholly owned, independently operated precious-metals storage facility located in New Castle, Delaware.  888-322-6150

For more information, contact: Jo Trizila jo@TrizCom.com O 972-247-1369 C: 214-232-0078

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Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

East Coast Storage Equipment Launch New Website

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 27, 2011 – East Coast Storage Equipment (ECSE) is proud to announce the laun helicop ter technology ch of a more interactive and user friendly website.  The new website rc helicopter market place displays all new and used warehouse inventories that are available for sale through a basic inventory page and marketplace.  The new site can be found at http://ecseco.com.

Operating out of the greater New Jersey area, ECSE provide clients with the high quality warehouse storage products at lower used racking costs.  ECSE will deliver, install, tear down and relocate equ manual trash compactor ipment.  

ECSE also offers design and layout services for the equ garbage compactor review ipment, including product storage, drive-in and drive-through racks, pick and pack solutions, CAD drawings for facility layout and certified structural analysis from licensed engineers for permit application requirements.

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Plastering In Essex Launch New Website

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 27, 2011 – Here at Plastering In Essex we cover a variety of work including plastering, drylining, rendering, taping & jointing and we believe manual trash compactor no job is too big or too small. We are very  pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website.

We offer competitive rates and will do our best to beat or match any of our competitors quotes.

We take great pride in our work and make sure you are guarantee garbage compactor review d the highest standard of work. We can cover all types of job trash bins s from domestic work such as small rooms, large rooms and ceilings through to more commercial jobs such as new build houses and office buildings.

Plastering In Essex ensure optimum cleanliness and will leave the premises how we found it (if not tidier) with no mess and no stress for Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi you the customer.

With over 10 years experience in the building trade we are able to offer our in-depth knowledge to see a job through from start to finish.

Please check out our brand new website at http://www.plasteringinessex.co.uk and let us know what you think.

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Wynright Announces Appointment of Brigitte Janos Brozenec as Executive Vice President

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 26, 2011 – Elk Grove, IL, July 18, 2011 – Wynright Corporation, a US-based engineered solutions provider, manufacturer, and system integrator for the materials handling industry, appointed Brigitte Janos Brozenec to the position of Executive Vice President, Marketing.  As the former Chief Marketing Officer of First Industrial, Brozenec led their enterprise-wide brand revitalization strategy and sector marketing initiatives.  Earlier, Ms. Brozenec held senior management positions; at Johnson Diversey leading the product marketing and innovation strategy as VP Product Portfolio, Innovation and Operations; at USG as Vice President, Marketing; and at Tenneco Packaging a rc helicopter market place s Vice President Worldwide Sales and Marketing.

"Brigitte is joining us at a pivotal point in our business", states Kevin Ambrose, CEO of Wynright.  "She has a proven track record of increasing brand awareness and developing communications and content related strategy.  Marketing is a key component of meeting our customer's expanding informational needs. Needless to say, Wynright is continuing to invest in growth", conclude trash bins Ambrose. Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi

About Wynright Wynright Corporation is a leading U.S. based and American-owned manufacturer, designer, integrator and installer of material handling equipment and intralogistics solutions. Headquartered in the Chicago area, Wynright manufac manual trash compactor tures material handling automation equipment, which includes conveyor and sortation systems, order fulfillment systems, PLC controls and robotics, mezzanines and structures; provides in-house integration, applications and design engineering, web-based warehouse control systems, and supplies system installation services. (www.wynright.com)

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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

"Poland Mining Report Q3 2011" is now available at Fast Market Research

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 26, 2011 – The outlook for Poland's mining sector looks likely to change fundamentally in 2011 due to the government's privatisation drive. Poland is eager to sell the family silver. Indeed, the cash-strapped country is in a hurry to spin-off state assets, and with good reason: Warsaw is acutely aware of the public unease privatisations will create in the run-up to the upcoming October 2011 general elections. Having pumped large sums of money into Poland's troubled coal sector, the government is now hoping to cash in with the sale of Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa (JSW), Poland's large trash bins r.info">garbage compactor review st coking coal producer.

However, this has been met with determined resistance from workers, who went on strike in April 2011, before finally agreeing terms in June, allowing the initial public offering (IPO) to go ahead. In total the government is expecting to raise PLN5.8bn, with one-third of the company to be sold on the open market. However, there are a number of challenges, not least the shaky global economic picture and the poor precedent set by the lack-lustre Bank Gospodarki Zywnosciowej (BGZ) privatisation earlier in 2011. The Polish treasury raised just US$113.7mn from the IPO for BGZ, which equates to about 22% of the maximum it could have raised from the offering. The treasury managed to sell 5.2mn shares in the bank as part of the government's plans to sell its 37% stake (16mn shares).

-------------------------------------------------- ----------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/209763_poland_mining_report_q ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Copper producer KGHM nearly tripled its net profit for Q111, reported Steelguru. Profits for the quarter reached US$709mn. The state-controlled miner said that its sales jumped by over 46% to US$1.72bn at the same time as copper prices surged.

Meanwhile, Dutch miner NWR has announced that it has received approval from its board of directors to extract coal from the Debiensko mine in Poland. The mining company has completed a feasibility study for the project and expects to break ground before the end of 2011. A feasibility study indicates that the mine has a reserve of 190mn tonnes of coal, allowing for average annual production of 2mn tonnes. NWR expects the first coal to be extracted from the mine in 2017. Total investment in the project will reach EUR411mn, which is modest compared to typical investments in mines, and appears good value considering that NWR has a 50-year licence to mine the resource. NWR is also looking to mine coal at a number of additional coal seams at the site, with approval expected in 2012.

BMI forecasts that Poland's mining sector will achieve real year-on-year (y-o-y) growth of 4.4% to reach a value of PLN32.17bn (US$10.90bn) in 2011, followed by 3.6% in 2012, when we predict the total value of the mining sector will be PLN34.26bn (US$11.61bn).

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - Poland Political SWOT - Poland Economic SWOT - Poland Business Environment SWOT Global Mining Outlook - Table: Selected Companies' Q111 Production Results - Table: Recent Attempted Acquisitions - Table: Government Intervention - Table: Other Developments Industry Trends And Developments - Table: Mines In Poland - Environmental Protection Key Projects - Metals - Copper - Nickel - Bauxite And Aluminium - Minerals - Coal Mining Business Environment Ratings - Table: Europe Mining Business Environment Ratings Political Environment Poland's Mining Industry Forecast - Table: Poland's Mining Industry, 2008-2015 Regulatory Structure And Developments Competitive Landscape - Table: Key Players In Poland's Mining Sector Company Monitor - KGHM Polska Miedz SA - Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA - Kompania Weglowa Commodities Forecast - Aluminium - Copper - Gold - Lead - Nickel - Tin - Zin manual trash compactor c Global Assumptions - Table: Global Assumptions, 2009-2015 - Table: Regional Real GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Table: Selected Exchange Rates, 2010-2013 (average) - Developed States - Table: Developed States' GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Emerging Markets - Table: Emerging Market's GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Consensus Forecasts - Table: Consensus Forecasts, 2011 And 2012 Business Environment Ratings Methodology - Table: Mining Business Environment Indicators - Table: Weighting Of Components

About Business Monitor International < rc helicopter market place /p>

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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"Poland Mining Report Q3 2011" is now available at Fast Market Research

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 26, 2011 – The outlook for Poland's mining sector looks likely to change fundamentally in 2011 due to the government's privatisation drive. Poland is eager to sell the family silver. Indeed, the cash-strapped country is in a hurry to spin-off state assets, and with good reason: Warsaw is acutely aware of the public unease privatisations will create in the run-up to the upcoming October 2011 general elections. Having pumped large sums of money into Poland's troubled coal sector, the government is now hoping to cash in with the sale of Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa (JSW), Poland's large trash bins r.info">garbage compactor review st coking coal producer.

However, this has been met with determined resistance from workers, who went on strike in April 2011, before finally agreeing terms in June, allowing the initial public offering (IPO) to go ahead. In total the government is expecting to raise PLN5.8bn, with one-third of the company to be sold on the open market. However, there are a number of challenges, not least the shaky global economic picture and the poor precedent set by the lack-lustre Bank Gospodarki Zywnosciowej (BGZ) privatisation earlier in 2011. The Polish treasury raised just US$113.7mn from the IPO for BGZ, which equates to about 22% of the maximum it could have raised from the offering. The treasury managed to sell 5.2mn shares in the bank as part of the government's plans to sell its 37% stake (16mn shares).

-------------------------------------------------- ----------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/209763_poland_mining_report_q ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Copper producer KGHM nearly tripled its net profit for Q111, reported Steelguru. Profits for the quarter reached US$709mn. The state-controlled miner said that its sales jumped by over 46% to US$1.72bn at the same time as copper prices surged.

Meanwhile, Dutch miner NWR has announced that it has received approval from its board of directors to extract coal from the Debiensko mine in Poland. The mining company has completed a feasibility study for the project and expects to break ground before the end of 2011. A feasibility study indicates that the mine has a reserve of 190mn tonnes of coal, allowing for average annual production of 2mn tonnes. NWR expects the first coal to be extracted from the mine in 2017. Total investment in the project will reach EUR411mn, which is modest compared to typical investments in mines, and appears good value considering that NWR has a 50-year licence to mine the resource. NWR is also looking to mine coal at a number of additional coal seams at the site, with approval expected in 2012.

BMI forecasts that Poland's mining sector will achieve real year-on-year (y-o-y) growth of 4.4% to reach a value of PLN32.17bn (US$10.90bn) in 2011, followed by 3.6% in 2012, when we predict the total value of the mining sector will be PLN34.26bn (US$11.61bn).

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - Poland Political SWOT - Poland Economic SWOT - Poland Business Environment SWOT Global Mining Outlook - Table: Selected Companies' Q111 Production Results - Table: Recent Attempted Acquisitions - Table: Government Intervention - Table: Other Developments Industry Trends And Developments - Table: Mines In Poland - Environmental Protection Key Projects - Metals - Copper - Nickel - Bauxite And Aluminium - Minerals - Coal Mining Business Environment Ratings - Table: Europe Mining Business Environment Ratings Political Environment Poland's Mining Industry Forecast - Table: Poland's Mining Industry, 2008-2015 Regulatory Structure And Developments Competitive Landscape - Table: Key Players In Poland's Mining Sector Company Monitor - KGHM Polska Miedz SA - Jastrzebska Spolka Weglowa SA - Kompania Weglowa Commodities Forecast - Aluminium - Copper - Gold - Lead - Nickel - Tin - Zin manual trash compactor c Global Assumptions - Table: Global Assumptions, 2009-2015 - Table: Regional Real GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Table: Selected Exchange Rates, 2010-2013 (average) - Developed States - Table: Developed States' GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Emerging Markets - Table: Emerging Market's GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% chg y-o-y) - Consensus Forecasts - Table: Consensus Forecasts, 2011 And 2012 Business Environment Ratings Methodology - Table: Mining Business Environment Indicators - Table: Weighting Of Components

About Business Monitor International < rc helicopter market place /p>

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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New market study, "Congo Oil & Gas Report Q3 2011", has been published

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 26, 2011 – The latest Republic of Congo Oil & Gas Report from BMI forecasts that the country will account for 0.32% of African regional oil demand by 2015, while providing 2.5% of supply. African regional oil use of 3.06mn barrels per day (b/d) in 2001 rose to an estimated 3.63mn b/d in 2010. It should average 3.62mn b/d in 2011 and then rise to around 4.09mn b/d by 2015. Regional oil production was 8.08mn b/d in 2001, and in 2010 averaged an estimated 10.74mn b/d. After dropping to an estimated 9.66mn b/d in 2011 because of the loss of Libyan volumes, it is set to rise to 12.91mn b/d by 2015. Oil exports are growing steadily, because demand growth is lagging behind the pace of supply expansion. In 2001, the region was exporting an average of 6.02mn b/d. This total rose to an estimated 8.15mn b/d in 2010 and is forecast to reach 9.85mn b/d by 2015. Nigeria has the greatest production growth potential, with Angolan exports also set to climb significantly.

------------------------------------------------ ------------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/209729_congo_oil_gas_report_q ... ------------------------------------------------------------

In terms of natural gas, the region in 2010 consumed an estimated 120.6bn cubic metres (bcm), with demand of 162.3bcm forecast for 2015. Production of an estimated 208.7bcm in 2 trash bins 010 should reach 295.2bcm in 2015, which implies net exports rising from an estimated 105bcm to 151bcm in 2015. In 2010, Congo consumed an estimated 0.83% of the region's gas, with its market share forecast at 1.23% by 2015. It contributed an estimated 0.48% to 2010 regional gas production and by 2015 will account for 0.68% of supply.& manual trash compactor #13;

The 2010 full-year outturn was US$77.45/bbl for OPEC crude, which delivered an average for North Sea Brent of US$80.34/bbl and for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) of US$79.61/bbl. The BMI price target of US$77 was reached thanks to the early onset of particularly cold weather, which drove up demand for and the price of heating oil during the closing weeks of the year.

The unprecedented wave of popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) that followed the removal of Tunisian President Ben Ali on January 14 has obviously fundamentally altered our outlook, particularly since the unrest spread to Libya in mid-February. Global GDP growth in 2011 is forecast at 3.5%, down from 4.3% in 2010. Growth in the US is now expected to slow down, but growth in the eurozone should be marginally higher than last year, while Chinese economic expansion will slow and Japan's growth will slump to 0.7% as a result of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Our oil price forecast for 2011 is US$101.90/bbl for the OPEC Basket, putting Brent helicop ter technology at US$106/bbl and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) at US$95.30, although these differentials are subject to change.

The Republic of Congo (RoC)'s real GDP rose by an estimated 11.9% in 2010 and we forecast average annual growth of 4.6% from 2010-2015. We see oil demand rising from an estimated 11,000b/d in 2010 to 13,000b/d in 2015. State oil company Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo (SNPC) operates in partnership with various international oil companies (IOCs). Around a third of the oil produced goes directly to the government and is sold by SNPC on behalf of the state. Thanks to higher recent IOC investment, combined oil and gas liquids output is forecast to increase from 303,000b/d in 2010 to a peak of 360,000b/d in 2011, before easing to 332,000b/d in 2015. Gas production should reach 2.0bcm by 2014/15. Consumption is expected to track the production trend.

Between 2010 and 202 garbage compactor review 0, we are forecasting a decrease in Congolese oil and gas liquids production of 0.90%, with volumes falling to 300,000b/d by the end of the 10-year forecast period. Oil consumption between 2010 and 2020 is set to increase by 62.89%, with growth remaining steady an assumed 5.0% per annum towards the end of the period and the country using 17,000b/d by 2020. Gas production is expected to rise to 3bcm by the end of the period. With demand moving in line, there is unlikely to be any need for imports or potential for net exports. Details of BMI's 10-year forecasts can be found in the appendix to this report.

RoC is ranked ninth in BMI's composite Business Environment Ratings (BER) table, which combines upstream and downstream scores. It now takes eighth place, ahead of Egypt, in BMI's updated upstream Business Environment ratings. The county's score benefits from reasonable oil and gas output growth prospects, respectable reserves to production ratios (RPR) and relatively attractive licensing terms. The risk environment is shaky, but this is hardly uncommon in Africa. RoC is at the bottom of the league table in BMI's updated downstream Business Environment ratings, with no high scores and progress further up the rankings unlikely. It holds last place, behind Equatorial Guinea, thanks to low scores for refining capacity, oil and gas demand, likely refining capacity expansion, nominal GDP and forecast GDP per capita growth. The growth outlook for oil consumption and the country's low retail site intensity are relatively strong suits. About Business Monitor International

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Zippy Shell Mobile Self Storage Franchise Slated to Open in Tennessee

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 25, 2011 – Zippy Shell USA, LLC., a company with a fresh concept in mobile self-storage, continues its rapid expansion and has just signed a franchise agreement with area resident Steve Grimsley to offer door-to-door mobile self-storage throughout Rutherford & Williamson Counties in Tennessee. The business, slated to open September 1st, will be based in Murfreesboro and will operate as Zippy Shell of Rutherford County.

Franchisees of Zippy Shell USA, LLC. offer consumers convenient, affordable mobile self-storage. Through its unique delivery system, the Zippy Shell mobile self-storage model has greater access to residential and business locations than its competitors. Zippy Shell mobile units are licensed vehicles and are equipped with security systems that allow its customers an added peace of mind.

"We are excited to open the doors of the newest Zippy Shell mobile self storage franchise location in September here in Murfreesboro – and the first one in Tennessee. Rutherford and Williamson Counties are two of the fastest growing counties in the State of Tennessee, and both are in the top 100 fastest growing in the nation. We feel that by bringing Zippy Shell mobile self storage here, we'll be able to provide our customers with a level of service and convenience unmatched by our compe garbage compactor review titors," said Steve Grimsley, Owner, Zippy Shell of Rutherford County. "Customers interested in learning more about our offering should check out http://www.zippyshell.com/MiddleTenn and look out rc helicopter market place for more announcements from us coming soon."

"We are thrilled to have Steve Grimsley as a Zippy Shell mobile self storage franchisee. He has decades of experience in business management and customer service and we feel that he captures the very essence of the Zippy Shell brand," said Rick Del Sontro, President, Zippy Shell USA, LLC. "In addition to his experience and local market knowledge, we feel Steve and the Zippy Shell of Rutherford County team will deliver real value to their customers by offering the convenience of mobile self storage at the price people are used to paying for traditional storage. It's a service th Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi at simply isn't offered by anyone else. We welcome Stev helicop ter technology e and his entire team to the Zippy Shell family - and wish them well on their opening next month."

The Zippy Shell mobile self storage system is a smart and easy door-to-door self storage solution on wheels, which gives customers the option to store, declutter or move their goods seamlessly and securely. By providing the service inside a registered vehicle, Zippy Shell provides service to a broader range of customers, including those in the heart of a metro city, with greater security than other mobile self storage operators who rely on unregistered containers or boxes.

Concluded Grimsley, "Working with the Zippy Shell USA, LLC. team has been great. They really have introduced a fresh concept, and we're excited to share it here in Tennessee. We're working hard to prepare for our opening, and we have a lot in store for our neighbors throughout Rutherford and Williamson Counties. Look out for our mobile self storage units that will be rolling throughout the county soon – and give us a call for your storage needs."

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Senin, 25 Juli 2011

Arc Welding Camera Solution for MIG & SubARC

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 23, 2011 – The OEM solution consisted of a large manipulator with a dual MIG / SUB ARC welding head.  One of the key components of the application wa manual trash compactor s the ability of the we helicop ter technology lding camera to see both the sub arc process and the Mig process.  The welding camera ICAM-WD has the ability to set two dynamic range thresholds.  Setting two threshold responses provides opportunity f or dynamic switching between thresholds via an IO signal or threshold boundaries.  

The light intensity is drastically different during sub-arc welding vs. mig welding and as a result the light attenuation requires very different configurations.  The configurations are stored the camera memory and in this application called when the light intensity crossed a threshold value. Says the OEM, "We are running the video across 50m of cable length, the signal is clear, setup was easy, and Invisual E was there t rc helicopter market place ref="http://garbagecompactor.info/category/bins">trash bins o help us configure the welding camera properly."

To view additional detail and video about this system follow this link: http://www.invisuale.com/solutions/weld-camera.html

Company URIL: http://www.invisuale.com

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Arc Welding Camera Solution for MIG & SubARC

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 23, 2011 – The OEM solution consisted of a large manipulator with a dual MIG / SUB ARC welding head.  One of the key components of the application was the ability of the welding camera to see both the sub arc process and the Mig process.  The welding camera ICAM-WD has the ability to set two dynamic range thresholds.  Setting two threshold responses provides opportunity f or dy helicop ter technology namic switching between thresholds via an IO signal or threshold boundaries.   rc helicopter market place ;

The light intensity is drastically different during sub-arc welding vs. mig welding and as a result the light attenuation requires very different configurations.  The configurations are stored the camera memory and in this application called when the light intensity crossed a threshold value. Says the OEM, "We are running the video across 50m of cable leng garbage compactor review th, the signal is clear, setup was easy, and Invisual E was there to help us configure the welding camera properly."

To view additional detail and video about this system fo Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi llow this link: http://www.invisuale.com/solutions/weld-camera.html

Company URIL: http://www.invisuale.com

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Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

New market study, "United Kingdom Metals Report Q3 2011", has been published

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 21, 2011 – The British steel and aluminium industries appear to be in terminal decline due to a deteriorating market  environment and regulation on emissions that is stalling recovery and raising investor wariness.  The steel industry's recovery went into reverse in H210, leading to a decline in crude output of 3.5% to  9.71mn tonnes, which was below BMI's estimate of 10.06mn tonnes due to a poorer than expected Q410.  There was little improvement going into 2011 with output in the first two months down 5% year-on-year  (y-o-y) to 1.65mn tonnes and average monthly output had not changed since previous months. As a result  of continued lacklustre growth and garbage compactor review broader economic forecasts, BMI has revised down crude steel  production growth from 19.3% to 1.9%, with output remaining at under 10mn tonnes. Hot-rolled  production growth has also been revised down from 18.3% to 2.9%, totalling just 7.50mn tonnes, amid  concerns about declining British competitiveness. The recovery in the sector is now expected to be  delayed until 2012.  The long-term situation facing the UK metals industries is being eroded by environmental regulations  with producers voicing alarm at the carbon floor tax (CFT) outlined in the government's annual budget in  March. Tata Steel Europe, the UK's leading steelmaker, described the plan that involves setting a new  minimum price on carbon emissions as 'a potentially severe blow.' Tata Steel says that the combination  of the UK's unilateral minimum price for carbo rc helicopter market place n emissions on top of the EU's measures will severely  undermine the competitiveness of the British steel industry, with higher costs for generating electricity  hitting energy-intensive industries such as steel. It is a unique tax not borne by any other steelmaker in the  world and BMI believes it could bring about the demise of large-scale steel production in the UK.  Rio Tinto Alcan, the UK's sole primary aluminium producer, has also cast doubt on the future of its  operations due to the 2011 Budget's measures and has stated that the future of the Lynemouth smelter, the  largest of the UK's two remaining primary aluminium plants, is at risk. The Lynemouth smelter is also in  danger as its captive coal-fired power station may also have to close under the EU's Large Combustion  Plants directive. The UK has already been hit by the closure of the Anglesey smelter in response to a lack  of long-term supply of cheap electricity, with primary aluminium production capacity now down to  221,000 tonnes per annum (tpa). Smelter closures are unfortunate, given the British aluminium industry's  reputation for being highly efficient. The closure of capacity would invariably increase the UK's reliance  on imported aluminium as well as boosting demand for recycled aluminium. While we forecast a 90%  return to operating rates from 2011, this is weighed down with negative risk with the very real prospect of  one or both of the country's smelters closing amid adverse market conditions.  Ironically, this will benefit less regulated smelters in Asia, which have fewer restrictions on carbon  emissions. The transfer of metals production from the UK to lightly regulated emerging markets    undermines the ultimate objective of the British government of reducing global carbon emissions. On the  upside, there is growing evidence that recovery in the British steel industry will be led by high value  niche production, which is returning back to developed economies from emerging markets. In their drive  to cut costs in a highly competitive market, automotive majors are sourcing parts and components from  developing economies where investment has improved the quality of the manufacturing process, to the  detriment of British automotive suppliers. However, producers report growing interest in British high-end  engineering and BMI foresees a revival of the sector. Yet, growth will largely apply to steel service  centres, rather than upstream continuous casting which BMI believes is in a process of decline in line  with the changing structure of the domestic, European and global economies. About Business Monitor International

------------------------------------------------- -----------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/208453_united_kingdom_metals_ ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distr manual trash compactor ibutor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide q Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi uick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

"Australia Power Report 2011" is now available at Fast Market Research

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 20, 2011 – This new Australia Power Report from BMI forecasts that the country will account for 3.03% of Asia Pacific regional power generation by 2014, with a relatively stable theoretical generation surplus. BMI 's Asia Pacific power generation assumption for 2009 is 7,308 terawatt hours (TWh), representing an increase of 2.6% over the previous year. Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi We are forecasting an increase in regional generation to 9,725TWh by 2014, representing a rise of 26.2% in 2010-2014.     Asia Pacific thermal power generation in 2009 totalled an estimated 5,849TWh, accounting for 80.0% of the total electricity supplied in the region. Our forecast for 2014 is 7,600TWh, implying a 23.7% growth that reduces the market share of thermal generation to 78.1%. This is thanks largely to environmental concerns promoting renewable sources, hydro-electri city and nuclear generation. Australia's thermal generation in 2009 was an estimated 258TWh, or 4.41% of the regional total. By 2014, the country is expected to account for 3.66% of manual trash compactor thermal generation. For Australia in 2008, coal was the dominant fuel, accounting for 43.3% of primary energy demand (PED), followed by oil at 35.9%, gas at 17.9% and hy dro at 2.9%. Regional energy demand is forecasted to reach 5,334mn toe by 2014, representing 24.6% growth from the estimated 2009 level. Australia's estimated 2009 market share of 2.93% is set to fall to 2.56% by 2014. Australia is ranked first, above China, in BMI 's regional Power Business Environment rating, thanks to its low risk profile and competitive landscape. It has a comfortable five-point lead over its nearest rival. Market size and maturity offset some of the country's other strengths, and there is risk over the longer term that China will challenge for regional leadership. BMI is forecasting Australian real GDP growth averaging 2.4% per annum between 2010 and 2014, with the 2010 estimate being an increase of 2.3%. Population is expected to expand from 22.1mn to 24.0mn over the period, with 2010-2014 helicop ter technology GDP per capita set to increase by 1.5% and electricity consumption per capita set to ease by 1.3%. The country's power co nsumption is expected to increase from around 228TWh in 2009 to 243TWh by the end of the forecast period, with theoretical surplus generation rising from an estimated 46TWh in 2009 to 52TWh by 2014 (assuming 1.5% average annual growth in generation in 2010-2014). Between 2010 and 2019, we are forecasting a 12.10%, increase in Australian electricity generation, which is one of the lowest projected rates for the Asia Pacific region. This equates to 5.10% in the 2014-2019 period, down from 6.66% in 2010-2014. PED growth is set to ease from 10.91% in 2010-2014 to 7.73% in 2014-2019, representing a 19.48% rise for the entire forecast period.     An increase of 25.79% in hydro- power use during 2010-2019 is a key element of generation growth. Thermal power generation is forecast to rise by 11.26% between 2010 and 2019. More details of the long-term BMI power forecasts can be found later in this report. About Business Monitor International

------------------------------------------------- -----------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/208431_australia_power_report ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range o trash bins f products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI 531276856  covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

New Market Research Report: Ecuador Oil & Gas Report Q3 2011

production ratios (RPR). However, country risk is high, oil production growth  prospects are poor and the privatisation trend is unattractive, with increasing state involvement in  upstream activities. garbage compactor review Ecuador now holds eighth place, above Venezuela, in BMI's downstream Business  Environment ratings, reflecting an unusually high country risk, regulatory concerns, state ownership of  assets and a less-than-stellar growth outlook. The score falls just one point short of Chile, but there is  little chance of progress in the next few quarters. About Business Monitor International

-------------------- Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi ty/blogs/expert-insight-and-news/business-planning-tutorials/business- planning-sales-forecast">helicopter techno manual trash compactor logy ----------------------------------------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/208444_ecuador_oil_gas_report ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and 531276856  exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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SGS Offers Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Training Courses in Netherlands and China

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 20, 2011 – Due to the growing demand for Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) training, the SGS NDT Training and Examination Center in Shanghai, China offers regular EN473 conformant training courses for TOFD.

The next TOFD Level 2 training courses are scheduled for August 8-18, 2011 in Spijkenisse, Netherlands and from August 22 to September 1, 2011 in Shanghai, China. Following the end of each course, August 18-19 and September 2-3 respectively, an optional examination in accordance with EN473 and/or SNT-TC-1A is offered. The TOFD training course in the Netherlands will be held in Dutch, in accordance with EN473 and/or SNT-TC-1A certification schemes, whereas the course in Shanghai will be available in English, in compliance with EN473 and/or SNT-TC-1A.

Both courses are led by Mr. Norbert Trimborn, Strategic Business Leader Advanced NDT at SGS. TOFD courses organized by SGS are accredited by the British Institute of NDT (BINDT) and are in compliance with internationally recognized European and American standards.

TOFD Training Course Details

For the duration of the training courses, attendees will be provided with basic and advanced the rc helicopter market place ory on TOFD applications and will learn about this NDT testing method in practice, including preparing and performing an inspection and data interpretation.

The total fee for the TOFD training course in Spijkenisse, Netherlands is EUR 2,750 per person and this includes the training, textbooks and lunches, but excludes the certification fee. The course in Shanghai, China costs USD 3,000 per person, including the training, examination fees, textbooks, lunches and PCN certification cost. Additionally, candidates can rely on SGS's support in arranging affordable accommodation and transportation to and from the hotel.

To obtain more information about the TOFD Level 2 training courses and to learn how to register, visit the SGS Training Calendar.

About the SGS NDT Training and Examination Center

The SGS NDT Training and Examination Center is a BINDT Accredited Training Organization (ATO) and an Authorized Qualifying Body (AQB) for TOFD. SGS trains and certifies people to the highest inspection standards and is qualified to conduct both the required pre-examination training and PCN examinations for Levels 1, 2 manual trash compactor and 3.

The scope of NDT services offered by SGS covers both conventional and advanced NDT methods and they are all provided by qua garbage compactor review lified inspectors, in accordance with international standards. Courses and examinations are available in a variety of languages. The TOFD course can be conducted in Chinese, English, French, Spanish or Dutch as requested. Courses trash bins can also be organized at alternative locations.

For further information, please contact:

For the Netherlands

Stefanie van der Velde Industrial Services SGS Nederland B.V. Postbus 200 NL-3200 AE – Spijkenisse Netherlands

t: +31 (0)181 69 36 69 531276856   f: +31 (0)181 69 35 86

For China

Mimosa Chen Administration Manager NDT Training and Examination Center SGS-CSTC China 2F, Building 8, 69 Kangqiao Industrial Park, 1159 East Kangqiao Road, Pudong District, Shanghai 201319, P.R.China

t: +86 21 6119 6411               f: +86 21 6818 3265

Email: industrial.pr@sgs.com Web: www.sgs.com/ndt-training

SGS is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 64,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,250 offices and laboratories around the world.

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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

New Market Research Report: Canada Infrastructure Report Q3 2011

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 18, 2011 – The onstruction industry in Canada has continued its trend of outperformance this quarter, buoyed by a  particularly healthy PPP sector. The level of PPP involvement is considered world leading and we expect  this to have a positive effect on baseline indicators. Alr Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi forecast">helicopter technology eady figures for 2010 have been revised up on the  first nine months data showing a 5.2% real growth in the construction industry. For 2011 real year-onyear  growth (y-o-y) of 4.1% is forecast vauling ithe industry atUS$92.5bn. Growth is expected to  continue until the end of the forecast period in 2015 when manual trash compactor industry value will be US$110.2bn  Key growth drivers in our forecast include:  The continuing high level of PPP activity in Canada's healthcare sector in particular, coupled with the size  of recent contracts awarded, illustrate the attractiveness of PPPs and also reflect country's relative  strength in this area compared to its peers. As a result we expect to see continued opportunities for  companies with a well-established history of PPPs in the sector.  In October 2010, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), the country's largest pension  manager, announced it was purchasing a US$876mn stake in a major highway, increasing its  infrastructure investment portfolio, despite a period of uncertainty in terms of equi rc helicopter market place ty returns. The  purchase will give the company a 10% share in the 407 Express Toll Route in Greater Toronto. CPPIB is  rated number one in the world for private equity investors and helps to secure the company's prominent  position.  A slew of hydropower projects announcements in the last quarter added confidence to the sector.  Amongst these a new CAD6.2bn (US$6.1bn) hydropower project is likely to change the landscape of  electricity politics in eastern Canada. The project will break the province of Newfoundland and  Labrador's reliance on Quebec, currently the hydro powerhouse of Canada.  We continue to believe that the Canadian economy is due a slowdown going into 2011, in part because of  a slowdown in the crucial US export market, but also because Canadian consumers are set to relent  following a credit binge. For 2011, we are maintaining our 2.4% growth forecast for now. Our overall  view, which we have held since the recovery began, is that Canada is better positioned for growth than  the US, and these growth figures reflect that performance differential, with the US set to expand by 2.6%  in 2010 and just 1.6% in 2011. About Business Monitor International

------------------------------------------------- -----------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/208434_canada_infrastructure_ ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more 531276856  research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Senin, 18 Juli 2011

New market study, "China Metals Report Q3 2011", has been published

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 18, 2011 – China's consumption and supply of copper, steel, aluminium, lead, nickel and tin increased substantially in 2010 due to base effects as the world's second largest economy returned to growth above 9%. We expect strong growth in both supply and Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi dema manual trash compactor nd across these sectors as China continues to feed its near insatiable hunger for refined metals. We expect aluminium production to increase at an average annual rate of 5.2%, reaching 20.4mn tonnes (mnt) in 2015, from 15.8mnt in 2010, with most of this growth driven by Yunnan Aluminium and Henan Bowei Aluminium. We expect consumption of aluminium to grow faster due to the development of infrastructure, averaging 9.2% per annum over the period, reaching 24.8mnt, from 16.2mnt in 2010. In addition, we have upgraded our copper production forecast on the back of Xiangguang Copper's expansion plans. We now expect refined copper production to reach 6.56mnt in 2015, marking an average annual rate of growth of 7.2% from 4.57mnt in 2010. Refined copper consumption is set average 7.0% per annum from 7.42mnt in 2010 to 10.5mnt in 2015.

--------------------------------------------------------- ---Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/208353_china_metals_report_q3 ... ------------------------------------------------------------

In terms of lead production, we fo helicop ter technology recast an annual average growth rate of 6.2%, reaching 5.13mnt by 2015. Yuguang Gold & Lead Co will account for much of this in production as the company plans to increase total refined lead output by 50% to 700,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) by 2015. We expect refined lead consumption to reach 4.98mnt in 2015, marking an average increase of 7.5% per annum. In addition, we forecast steel consumption to average 5.8% growth to 2015, reaching 745mnt, up from 561mnt in 2010. Steel production will reach 744mnt in 2015, marking average growth of 3.5% per annum from 2010, when output was 626mnt. Steel output could be further boosted as Chinese companies increase production to make up for lost output from Japanese refineries following the earthquake in March 2011. Finally, we expect a 5.7% growth in Chinese refined tin production, reaching 195,000 tonnes (kt) in 2015. Demand for tin is set to increase by an average rate of 4.3% to reach 189kt in 2015.

As well as forecasting growth across all sectors, we highlight the trend of Chinese consumption outpacing production. This will mean China becomes more reliant on the import of refined metals, perhaps from Australia, one of the largest producers of refined metals. That said, China appears to be seeking greater selfsufficiency and thus we note upside risks to our production forecasts, as the government may search for greater domestic exploration and manufacturing.

There are two other risks to our outlook. First, the supply of refined metals could be at risk from efforts to increase energy efficiency and reduce power usage, as was seen at the end of 2010. Indeed, while it tends to be the smaller refineries that are less efficient, refined metal production is highly fragmented and the smaller refineries account for a substantial proportion of output. Second, our forecasts for consumption growth are in line with overall GDP growth and thus any downturn in the economy would reduce growth in base metals consumption. Our expectations for demand are therefore exposed to the effects of monetary and fiscal tightening as the Chinese government attempts to stop the economy from overheating.

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - China Political SWOT - China Economic SWOT - China Business Environment SWOT Global Market Overview - Steel Forecast - Steel to Average US$580/tonne In 2011 - BMI Steel Forecast - Steel Prices - Cost Push on The Supply Side - Few Supply Constraints In Sight, For Now Commodities Forecast - Commodity Strategy - Metals Update - Aluminium - Copper - Gold - Lead - Nickel - Tin - Zinc Regional Overview - Table: Top 10 Asian Steel Producers, 2009 Forecast Scenario - Aluminium: Infrastructure Development To Drive Consumption - Key Development Plans - Aluminium Production Growth - Aluminium Demand Growth - Copper: Production & Consumption To Maintain Rapid Growth - Key Expansion Plans - Copper Production And Consumption Forecasts - Tin: Modest Deficit To Remain - Refined Tin Production - Modest Growth In Consumption - Refined Tin Consumption - Nickel: Production Deficit To Narrow - Nickel Production - Nickel Demand - Steel: Excess Capacity Will Be Hard To Curb - Top Producing Regions (10kt*) & Share Of Total (%) - Steel Consumption And Production Forecasts ('000 tonnes unless stated) - Macroeconomic Forecast - Table: China - Economic Activity Competitive Landscape - Steel - Iron Ore Supplies - Aluminium - Table: China's Aluminium Smelter Capacities - Financial Results Company Profiles - Chinalco - China Steel Corporation - Chung Hung Steel Global Assumptions, Q311 - Table: Global Assumptions, 2009-2015 - Table: Global And Regional Real GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% change y-o-y) - Table: Selected Exchange Rates, 2010-2013 (average) - Developed States - Table: Developed States' GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% change y-o-y) - Emerging Markets - Table: Emerging Markets' GDP Growth, 2010-2013 (% change y-o-y) - Consensus Forecasts - Table: Bloomberg Consensus GDP Growth Forecasts, 2011-2012 (% change y-o- rc helicopter market place y) BMI Methodology - How We Generate Our Industry Forecasts - Cross Checks

About Business Monitor International

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic 531276856  forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Moisture Barrier Bags to Protect Your Investments from Water

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 17, 2011 – Water damages pretty much everything, from books to bicycles. There are plenty of ways to protect your valuables from that friendly element, however, especially when you're sending them across the country. A moisture barrier bag is one of the best. It not only prevents water from harming your products, it prevents damage from electrostatic discharge and UV rays too. These moisture barrier bags are good enough for the military, so they should be good enough for you trash bins too.

But moisture barrier bags aren't just for small, shippable items. Let's say you have a prop plane, or a big rc helicopter market place ol' jet airliner. You want to protect it. It's an investment, after all. You use it when you need to get away, whether on business or pleasure. That's why it's Ken helicop ter technology more Bisque 15 inchi important to choose a moisture barrier bag that keeps your machine safe. There are specific covers you need for the wheels, windows, engines, and other general protection methods.

It doesn't matter whether you need to protect the big things or the little things from 531276856  water, moisture barrier bags can help. And from a government-trust company like Protective Packaging you don't have to worry about quality. So what are you waiting for? Get started on protecting your stuff!

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Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

City Contracts for Lawn Maintenance, Electrical Supply, Moving Services and More

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 15, 2011 – Own a foreclosure cleanup business? How about a painting firm? Or, a landscaping business? Or any other type of real estate-related service business?

If so, you can now get direct leads on bid requests, requests for proposals, city co rc helicopter market place ntracts and more for snow removal, janitorial services, general contracting, electrical supply, etc. – all on  ForeclosureBusinessNews.com.

Foreclosure Cleaning & Related Industries Contracting Opportunities

Many of the leads we post are for city, state and local contracting opportunities. Contracts can be as small as $2,000, on up to millions (today's 7/15/2011) listing include one for $1.4 million.

Recent leads posted include:

City Purchasing C trash bins ontract for Electrical Supplies for $1,400,000. Successful contractors will be pre-qualified indefini Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi tely. Translation – once you're in, you're in (ongoing work!). Anticipated funding for this contract for a 5-year period is $1,400,000.  City reserves the right to increase/decrease this amount depending on need. Deadline to Submit: None (open, ongoing).

City Contract for Landscaping Services: Successful bidder will be awarded a contract for twelve (12) months with the option to renew for four (4) additional twelve (12) month period(s).

< helicop ter technology p>City Contract for Moving Company for Over $500,000: Anticipated funding for this contract for a 5-year period is $541,000.  City reserves the right to increase/decrease this amount depending on need. Deadline to Submit: None (open, ongoing). 531276856  

All of these leads can be found in the 7/15/2011 post on ForeclosureBusinessNews.com

Bookmark ForeclosureBusinessNews.com and come back 2-3 times a week to check for new listings of foreclosure clean up job leads, and other real-estate related service job and contracting opportunities.

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Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

New market study, "Vietnam Power Report Q3 2011", has been published

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 14, 2011 – According to BMI's new extended power forecasts, Vietnam's power generation and consumption are both expected to rise sharply in the coming Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi years owning to significant economic and demographic growth. BMI now forecasts power consumption in Vietnam to increase from an estimated 84.56TWh in 2010 to 133.36TWh in 2015, while rc helicopter market place electricity supply will increase from an estimated 91.81TWh to 139.66TWh over the same period. There is, however, a real risk of persistent electricity shortages if the power industry cannot deliver adequate new capacity as demand soars.

The country's draft Master Plan VII for 2010-2020 estimates that an additional capacity of 4,100MW will be required per year on average during the 2011-2015 time period to meet rapidly growing demand in Vietnam. In line with it, the government and its state-owned monopoly Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) have presented ambitious plans to construct numerous thermal, hydro and even nuclear power plants in the coming years. Vietnam's power generation system relies mainly on thermal power and hydropower, and according to our forecasts these two resources will play an increasingly important role in the medium to long term.

----------------------------------------------------- -------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/206850_vietnam_power_report_q ... ------------------------------------------------------------

Yet, so far, the country has showed a limited ability manual trash compactor to attract foreign investment in order to fund improvements to its power infrastructure, especially due to artificially capped prices. Furthermore, we highlight that Vietnam should devote more attention and funding to its electricity transmission and distribution network, as the country is already suffering from high levels of electricity wastages due to an inefficient grid system. From this perspective, BMI b helicop ter technology elieves that the hike in electricity prices approved in March 2011 by the Vietnamese government was a step in the right direction.

On top of the policy changes affecting pricing, key themes for Vietnam's power sector this quarter include:

* In March 2011, the Vietnamese government authorised an increase in electricity prices with a view to mobilise long-term investment and meet the country's burgeoning power demands. In April 2011, it also approved a market-based system, allowing electricity prices to be adjusted when the cost of basic inputs - energy and commodities - rises beyond the current parameters used to determine electricity prices. Depending on market conditions, electricity prices can be adjusted as often as once every quarter. The policy will take effect at the start of June 2011.  * In May 2011, Vietnamese oil and gas company Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and coal producer and supplier Vietnam National Coal and Minerals Industry Group (Vinacomin) announced that EVN owes both companies a combined total of VND6.6trn (US$320mn). BMI believes that these debts reinforce the need for ongoing reforms in Vietnam's electricity sector.  * In February 2011, Japan's TEPCO concluded a trustee agreement with Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to produce a master plan for a power supply project in Vietnam. This involvement by TEPCO is a positive move as BMI believes that a highly efficient transmission grid is crucial in ensuring that Vietnam's power plant projects are able to effectively address the country's electricity shortages. Yet, we note that these developments might be delayed or, cancelled altogether, due to TECO's difficulties following the accident at the Fukushima power plant.

Report Table of Contents:

SWOT Analysis - Vietnam Power SWOT Global Industry Overview - Table: Total Generation Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) Regional Industry Overview - Table: Total Generation Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) - Table: Nuclear Power In Asia Industry Forecast Scenario - Country Snapshot (Macro) - Table: Economic And Demographic Data, 2010-2020 - Table: Country Snapshot: Power Sector - Electricity Generation - Table: Vietnam Total Generation Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Vietnam Total Generation Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Electricity Consumption - Table: Vietnam Total Net Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Vietnam Total Net Consumption Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Transmission & Distribution, Imports & Exports - Table: Vietnam Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Vietnam Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Vietnam Power Trade Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Vietnam Power Trade Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Power Capacity - Table: Vietnam Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (MW) - Table: Vietnam Electricity Generating Capacity Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (MW) - Vietnam Power Forecast Scenario Competitive Landscape/Company Monitor - Electricity Of Vietnam (EVN) Glossary Of Terms - Glossary Of Terms Methodology And Sources - Industry Forecasts - Data Methodology - Generation And Consumption Data - Data Methodology - Electricity Generation Capacity Data - Sources

About Business Monitor International

Business Monitor International (BMI) offers a comprehensive range of products and services 531276856  designed to help senior executives, analysts and researchers assess and better manage operating risks, and exploit business opportunities, across 175 markets.  BMI offers three main areas of expertise: Country Risk BMI's country risk and macroeconomic forecast portfolio includes weekly financial market reports, monthly regional Monitors, and in-depth quarterly Business Forecast Reports.  Industry Analysis BMI covers a total of 17 industry verticals through a portfolio of services, including in-depth quarterly Country Forecast Reports.  View more research from Business Monitor International at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1010

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Kamis, 14 Juli 2011

New Market Research Report: Oil & Gas Pipeline Construction in the US

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 13, 2011 – In the pipeline: Growth in the natural gas market will keep industry demand flowing

Oil & Gas Pipeline Construction in the US

Strong pipes

Although slowed investment activity during the recession cooled demand for industry's services, pursui trash bins t of natural gas has kept business flowing over the past five years. Looking forward, the industry is projected to experience a strong recovery. From 2012, IBISWorld Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi forecasts that continued investment in unconventional domestic energy sources (gas shale and oil sands), pressure to repair and replace aging infrastructure and recovery in the residential construction markets will support industry performance.

This industry comprises contractors who are responsible for the construction of gas and oil pipelines, mains, pumping stations, refineries and storage tanks (i.e. new work, reconstruction and repairs). It also includes construction management firms and special trade contractors that are primarily involved in oil and pipeline construction.

--------------------------------------------- ---------------Full Report Details at - http://www.fastmr.com/prod/207043_oil_gas_pipeline_const ... ------------------------------------------------------------

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also incl manual trash compactor uded are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

Report Table of Contents:

Industry Definition Main Activities Similar Industries Additional Resources


INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE Executive Summary Key External Drivers Current Performance Industry Outlook Industry Life Cycle

PRODUCTS & MARKETS Supply Chain Products & rc helicopter market place Services Demand Determinants Major Markets International Trade Business Locations

COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Market Share Concentration Key Success Factors Cost Structure Benchmarks Basis of Competition Barriers to Entry Industry Globalization


OPERATING CONDITIONS Structural Risk Index Investment Requirements Technology & Systems Industry Volatility Regulation & Policy Industry Assistance Taxation Issues

KEY STATISTICS Industry Data Annual Change Key Ratios Historical Performance


List of Tables

About IBISWorld

IBISWorld's Industry Intelligence can assist in making better business decisions about strategies and revenue generation by gaining an instant understanding of an unfamiliar or familiar industry faster & more conveniently than previously possible. IBISWorld's reports cover over 700 United States industries - everything from Shoes Stores to Gold Ore Mining and all industries in between. In addition to their core Industry Report product, they also publish over 700 US 531276856  Industry Risk Rating Reports, over 700 Industry Profiles, over 8000 Publicly Traded US Companies as well as hundreds of Economic & Demographic Profiles.  View more research from IBISWorld at http://www.fastmr.com/catalog/publishers.aspx?pubid=1007

Ab out Fast Market Research

Fast Market Research is an online aggregator and distributor of market research and business information. We represent the world's top research publishers and analysts and provide quick and easy access to the best competitive intelligence available.

For more information about these or related research reports, please visit our website at http://www.fastmr.com or call us at 1.800.844.8156.

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Viklele Associates release Black Diamond SCADA ver. 1.5

PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 14, 2011 – Black Diamond 1.5 is a significantly enhanced version of our state of the art process automation and visualization SCADA. This version adds a dockable integrated development environment for building professional and intuitive HMIs for process automation and control. All the built-in features like report designer, manual entry screen designer, task reminder service, expression evaluator etc., have been enhanced to give you more contro manual trash compactor l and improved functionality.

Nidhi Purnapatre, product manager for Black Diamond trash bins SCADA said, "We have incorporate all significant feature suggestions from our customer, I wish to thank them for making Black Diamond a better product".

She added, "I am particularly pleased about the enhancements in the report designer and symbol library. Also, enhancements in the expression evaluation have made capturing consumption data like hourly power consumption, or hourly fluid flow through a flow meter very easy. These are every day needs of a process engineer, and Black Diamond will allow gathering this information without having to write any code." rc helicopter market place 3;

Further details regarding features of Black Diamond SCADA v1.5 and a free trial copy can be obtained from our website http://www.remocs.com.

Black Diamond SCADA v1.5 is available for immediate purchase. For pricing, reseller or redistribution inquiries please contact sales@remocs.com.

About Viklele Associates Viklele Associates is a software solutions provider based in Pune, India. We specialize in proce Kenmore Bisque 15 inchi ss monitoring, process control and industrial automation solutions across multiple industry verticals. Our Reporting Monitoring and Control Solutions (REMOCS) are highly scalable, configurable and easy to use. We closely work with our system integration partners to provide the most optimal solutions for your requirements.

All product 531276856  and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information:Viklele Associates, Plot No. 17, Satprakash Bungalow, Survey No. 46/5, Advait Nagar, Paud Road Pune 411038, INDIA

Phone: +91 (20) 2543 5138, Email: info@remocs.com Web: http://www.remocs.com

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