PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 21, 2011 – The British steel and aluminium industries appear to be in terminal decline due to a deteriorating market environment and regulation on emissions that is stalling recovery and raising investor wariness. The steel industry's recovery went into reverse in H210, leading to a decline in crude output of 3.5% to 9.71mn tonnes, which was below BMI's estimate of 10.06mn tonnes due to a poorer than expected Q410. There was little improvement going into 2011 with output in the first two months down 5% year-on-year (y-o-y) to 1.65mn tonnes and average monthly output had not changed since previous months. As a result of continued lacklustre growth and garbage compactor review broader economic forecasts, BMI has revised down crude steel production growth from 19.3% to 1.9%, with output remaining at under 10mn tonnes. Hot-rolled production growth has also been revised down from 18.3% to 2.9%, totalling just 7.50mn tonnes, amid concerns about declining British competitiveness. The recovery in the sector is now expected to be delayed until 2012. The long-term situation facing the UK metals industries is being eroded by environmental regulations with producers voicing alarm at the carbon floor tax (CFT) outlined in the government's annual budget in March. Tata Steel Europe, the UK's leading steelmaker, described the plan that involves setting a new minimum price on carbon emissions as 'a potentially severe blow.' Tata Steel says that the combination of the UK's unilateral minimum price for carbo rc helicopter market place n emissions on top of the EU's measures will severely undermine the competitiveness of the British steel industry, with higher costs for generating electricity hitting energy-intensive industries such as steel. It is a unique tax not borne by any other steelmaker in the world and BMI believes it could bring about the demise of large-scale steel production in the UK. Rio Tinto Alcan, the UK's sole primary aluminium producer, has also cast doubt on the future of its operations due to the 2011 Budget's measures and has stated that the future of the Lynemouth smelter, the largest of the UK's two remaining primary aluminium plants, is at risk. The Lynemouth smelter is also in danger as its captive coal-fired power station may also have to close under the EU's Large Combustion Plants directive. The UK has already been hit by the closure of the Anglesey smelter in response to a lack of long-term supply of cheap electricity, with primary aluminium production capacity now down to 221,000 tonnes per annum (tpa). Smelter closures are unfortunate, given the British aluminium industry's reputation for being highly efficient. The closure of capacity would invariably increase the UK's reliance on imported aluminium as well as boosting demand for recycled aluminium. While we forecast a 90% return to operating rates from 2011, this is weighed down with negative risk with the very real prospect of one or both of the country's smelters closing amid adverse market conditions. Ironically, this will benefit less regulated smelters in Asia, which have fewer restrictions on carbon emissions. The transfer of metals production from the UK to lightly regulated emerging markets undermines the ultimate objective of the British government of reducing global carbon emissions. On the upside, there is growing evidence that recovery in the British steel industry will be led by high value niche production, which is returning back to developed economies from emerging markets. In their drive to cut costs in a highly competitive market, automotive majors are sourcing parts and components from developing economies where investment has improved the quality of the manufacturing process, to the detriment of British automotive suppliers. However, producers report growing interest in British high-end engineering and BMI foresees a revival of the sector. Yet, growth will largely apply to steel service centres, rather than upstream continuous casting which BMI believes is in a process of decline in line with the changing structure of the domestic, European and global economies. About Business Monitor International
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